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The Hypnotherapy 


Clinical Hypnotherapy, is a natural and effective technique that allows you to gain access to your unconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is an altered state of awareness and consciousness that we choose to call trance.  It is a research based complementary  therapy that utilises the power of positive suggestion to bring about subconscious change to our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. It is a relaxing experience listening to your therapist whilst your mind  can change thought patterns and re programmes unhelpful or negative thoughts. feelings  and behaviours. to positive and neutral pathways. Whilst you are in a hypnotic trance you are in control of your thoughts and actions..

Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety/stress and worry are natural and we all have times in our lives that we feel mild  anxiety.

Do you suffer from overwhelming  anxious thoughts?

Does anxiety hold you back?

Are you coping with he daily stress and strain of modern living?

Do you worry about what might happen all the time?

Clinical hypnotherapy can help reduce anxiety and stress and increase your confidence.

I can help with issues such as:

  • Panic Attacks

  • Public speaking

  • Interview nerves

  • Driving Tests

  • Exams

Fears & Phobias
Fear is a natural protection device instilled in us all from an early age.  We need rational fear to keep us safe.

Do you have irrational fears?

Clinical hypnotherapy can help with fear of:

  • flying

  • spiders

  • snakes

  • heights

  • dentists

Weight Management

How many times have you already tried to lose weight and failed?

You did not put weight on overnight so you wont lose it overnight

Is your size holding you back? 

High risks of diabetes and heart disease?

Joint pain /shortness of breathe?

Are you motivated and committed?

Then what are you weighting for!??

Contact me today for a supported weight loss programme.

6 sessions are recommended at 2 weekly intervals.

Structured sessions personalised for your weight management. 

All 6 sessions should be attended to best results.

Regular contact from ourselves to support you on your way.

Follow up sessions offered if required.

Stop Smoking

Fed up of the stigma of smoking?

Associated health risks?

££££ expensive habit?

Tried before and failed?

Are you motivated and believe the time is right?

I run a bespoke stop smoking programme which consists of a 2 hour session and a follow up 1 hour session if required.

Clinical hypnotherapy has a high success rate  as long as you are motivated and committed.

Contact me today to book your session .

Pain Management

Clinical hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy and is not suggesting you should stop or change any treatment or medication recommended by the medical profession, however there is evidence that hypnotherapy can help with chronic pain, cancer pain  and labour pain. 


These sessions will be bespoke to meet your needs and are charged accordingly. Contact me at your earliest convenience and we can discuss your individual requirements and design an personal programme for you. This may be a mix of therapies using metaphor, positive suggestion, visualisation and relaxation therapies.


Hypno birthing is best commenced after 26-30 weeks , it is designed to help Mums to be to have some coping strategies around pain control during labour and to teach the birth partner some relaxation techniques that can be used during labour. If it was good enough for the Duchess of Cambridge its good enough for you!

Past & Present Life Regression 

Ever wondered if you have been here before? Through hypnotherapy you can explore your thoughts and feelings from another time and another place with this guided hypnotherapy session. You may have several experiences from different lives and re live only the positive moments from that time 
Discover memories from the past in this lifetime.
Get to the route of something that has been troubling you from your childhood.
This is a guided therapy and will only allow positive memories to be revealed
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